It’s safe to agree that the country has witnessed a significant increase in awareness about health, hygiene and cleanliness thanks to social media, newspapers and to a small extent government’s initiative to improve the same. However on the other hand, we can also see a steady increase of diseases, health issues and other sanitation issues.
Most of these diseases range from a mild occurence to a major outbreak, most of which is water borne and air borne diseases. Despite knowing these may be contagious, there has not much efforts to restrain or contain it from spreading widespread. Be it Malaria, Amoebiasis, Cholera , Typhoid, Leptospirosis , the water borne diseases are plenty.
Why does it occur?
The primary reason for a water borne disease to occur is because of presence of stagnated water around the house or contamination. Even if you can’t really control the former, you have the option to eliminate any kind of impurities present in the water be it drinking or for other purposes. Unlike Western countries where tap water is safe for direct consumption, you still have to rely on boiled water or water purifier or much worse buy expensive “mineral water” from stores
Contamination of water happens almost everywhere, be it at the source or during transportation or even through an unsafe storage facility. India is pretty much now relying on Bubble tops and mineral cans. Despite being assured of a “treated” water, you can still find several impurities in the same. The only option to obtain clean water is buy water purifier ( be it a Reverse Osmosis or Ultra Violet or even a basic one).
Finding the best purifier in India can be a tough challenge given so many variants. These models vary by purification stages, storage capacity of the tank, warranty period among others. Unless you study these material and make a wise informed decision, based on your need, you can make a blunder. For example, if you get very hard water in your tap, but if the water purifier is not built for hard water and primarily for soft water, this will prove ineffective against contamination
You may probably buy a water purifier from an offline store or the more preferred option is to buy online water purifier. These online sites provide full description of the product, price compare options, filtration technology used etc. These should help you identify what you exactly require
Types of Water Purifier
Having been a consumer myself, it took me quite a while to decide what kind of water purifier to buy. Hence a primary reason why I decided to write down a post on the types of purifiers and what are their functions.
Here’s a quick insight into the different water purifiers and their various filtration technologies :
RO , UV , UF , Activated Carbon are the broad categories of water purifiers. Here’s a few lines on each:
RO ( Reverse Osmosis ) Water Purifier

UV Water Purifier

UF Water Purifier (Ultra Filtration):

Like a basic water filter, it passes the water through a small thin membrane. This succesfully removes bacteria and viruses and a few contaminated particles. It works without electricity , removes muddy water too but not ideal for highly contaminated water or hard water.
Activated Carbon
This recently introduced variants uses the special properties of Carbon to purify the water. When the water passes through it, chemicals,pesticide elements and other materials sticks to the carbon surface thereby purifying the water. However any dissolved particles, salts may not be purified in this method.
So quit relying on bubble tops, expensive mineral water cans or boiling pots of water from tap and instead go for a reliable sturdy water purifier.