Google’s Blogger offers free hosting, which is a serious deal breaker for many small time bloggers and also a simple easy to interface layout to host your blog. Along with it comes a set of a limited blog templates, adaptability for HTML/Javascript codes and also easy integration of Google Ads or other Ad Networls.
WordPress offers a premium suite of apps for almost everything from beautiful themes,statistics trackers to ads to sharing buttons to SEO plugins or to even insert a small widget on the sides. For a free blog, you won’t have access to any plugin or a premium theme. However if buy a third party hosting and domain (or even buy from itself), it allows you to customize the blog in any way possible. Some premium themes cost as much as 20-40$, altough you do have a stack of nice free themes offered by WP itself. SSL Certificate should also be bought separately through your domain provider
I manage two websites , this Marketing website through Blogger platform and my travel website through WordPress. This is primarily for experimentation, testing and option to try out different things with my content. From my evaluation, the WordPress site has marginally edged out in terms of SEO, quality of traffic and growth rate. Although the content in both sites are vastly different, the travel related content may have played a minor role in the traffic boost.
Advantages of HTTPS (SSL Certificate)
So amidst this battle between Google’s Blogger and WordPress platform, you’d wonder, why would I need to get a HTTPS for my website ?
The answer is pretty simple. The core ranking , indexing and search happens through the master of Internet, Google. A few years ago, Google had publicly stated that if two websites with similar type of content is being indexed, the website with the HTTPS layer will be pushed up to the top in search results than the other.
More importantly, a user while browing through your site feels safe after seeing the green lock symbol in the address bar. He now knows that information is being transmitted or received in an encrypted method without any middle layer interference or hack.
This is also why it’s mandatory for a “HTTPS” certification for any website dealing with payments or critical / confidential information. Only with it , you can accept “Debit” or “Credit card” information to be accepted from your customers.
How to get a HTTPS certificate in
As said earlier, this is a new “Free” option that Google has provided for all its users. It’s super simple to enable it and it gets enabled in a matter of hours
Just login to , click on settings -> Basic -> Under HTTPS Availability , click Yes
HTTPS Redirect : You might want to enable this option if you require a mandatory redirect of all website requests to the HTTPS version only.

Minor Downside of HTTPS :
HTTPS for a WordPress Site

Free SSL from Cloudflare: