Having worked on several tough projects, I have realized that most of the time goes in defining the central problem statement and finding an appropriate solution for it. Only 20 % of the remaining time goes in actually implementing it . During the course of this process, how the requirements and problem statement has seen so many changes and revisions that it looks completely different from where you started. Giving this flow a structure with a detailed list of steps can help immensely in terms of effort, time and money.A book called “The Rich Labourer” seems to be doing exactly that.

The Rich Labourer, a book , written by Mr.Parthajeet Sarma (Co-authored by Sibani Sarma) , goes about explaining a simple path that helps you to find solutions, be it for a person or organization or the society as a whole. A management cum self help book, this is a perfect short recipe, especially those who want to arrive at finding solutions in the quickest way possible. Some may have unrealistic demands in a shoestring budget. Sometimes the requirement would be for a innovative, robust , reliable solution offering every feature without compromising on quality. Yet one would not have even sufficient funds to meet half of it. So where do you draw the line in such cases?

The Rich Labourer book is a breezy read with simple terminologies that helps to find a solution using a unique 3-Step path. This approach is called the  3P method ( Probe , Ponder and Prove). This book takes on fictional examples ( On real life happenings) and goes about explaining how the character in the book, deals with the problem in hand, goes about applying the 3P method to arrive at a feasible solution while driving innovation for the organization she’s employed in.

I was able to spot some interesting management concepts listed in easy steps, which can immensely individuals in corporate settings plan their approach for any problem at hand. One of them was the rapid prototyping technique. Rapid prototyping is used pretty much in most product oriented companies. They have the need to test the idea of a product before it even comes to the market and for this, there are several factors in play. The price, scalability, amount of customization are some of the things you need to wonder while doing so. The Rapid prototyping technique, explained in the book helps in saving time, money , minimizes design flaws and quite importantly gives a tangible shape to the overall concept

Interestingly the book itself seems to follow some of the concepts mentioned in it. The book I had received is a first edition and based on reviews and feedback would be revised and edited with added content.

You can buy the book here

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